When you or your loved one are charged with “domestic abuse,” the title alone can be painful to confront. You may be wondering “how is this abuse?” What may have been a one-time argument, misunderstanding, or fight that escalated between a family member, spouse, or someone you live with has turned into a criminal charge. What can you do?
It is important to call an attorney as soon as possible. There are many possible defenses to domestic abuse, but like all criminal cases, it is absolutely essential that you seek help immediately.
At the Hampton Law Group, we take an aggressive approach to defending domestic violence charges of any kind. Some of the defenses to Domestic Violence include:
False accusations: In our experience, domestic abuse is one of the most unfairly/overly charged offenses in most prosecutors’ offices, and one of the most common reasons for that is the accuser made a false accusation around the time of the arrest. Fortunately, a skilled defense attorney can attack inconsistencies.
Self-defense: Often times, what may have been a mutual fight may result in criminal charges being filed against one of the parties—worse yet, the party that was just defending themselves gets charged. Our attorneys are skilled in the practice of domestic abuse charges, and can argue that you were simply defending yourself. This may mean a reduced charge, more favorable terms, a dismissal by the prosecutor, or an acquittal at trial.
Riverside and San Bernardino Domestic Violence Attorney

3600 Lime St, Suite 312, Riverisde, CA 92501
Email: info@hampton-lawgroup.com
Tel: 1-877-258-4180
Fax: 1-951-329-3223
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